Certificate Course in Communicative English
Lecture -2
Words and Phrases
Examples of words are : dark, man, people,red, girl,book,pen, candy, mouse
What is a phrase ?
A phrase is a group of words with some sense but not complete sense.
For example
In the darkness of woods
In the vicinity of my home
The prime minister of India
With great pleasure
Under pressure
For supporting his family
They need other words to complete their meanings.
For example
The thieves disappeared in the darkness of woods.
A hermit lives in the vicinity of my home
The prime minister of India went to the US.
He announced his retirement with great pleasure.
Shami never bowls under pressure.
He works for supporting his family.
How to make phrases in English ?
Look at the following example:
The boy eats the ice-cream.
The tall boy eats the ice-cream.
The tall boy wearing red shirt eats the ice-cream.
The tall boy wearing red shirt and blue pants eats the ice-cream.
The tall ,handsome boy wearing red shirt and blue pants eats the ice-cream.
The tall, handsome and good-looking boy wearing red shirt and blue pants eats the ice-cream.
The tall, handsome and good-looking boy wearing red shirt and blue pants eats the blue coloured ice-cream.
The tall ,handsome and good-looking schoolboy wearing red shirt and blue pants eats the blue coloured ice-cream.
The tall ,handsome and good-looking schoolboy of Mohta School wearing red shirt and blue pants eats the blue coloured ice-cream.
In these examples , The boy is the Noun Head.
It's is the main noun which is determined by the other adjectives/words which add meaning to the noun head Boy.
After the noun head a verb showing action performed by the boy is used with ing form
In the same way, ice-cream is the noun head which is determined by adjective the blue coloured.
Remember in the phrases, adjective is placed before the Noun Head while the verb showing action performed by the Noun Head is presented with ing form.
For example :
#How to make phrases in English :
A) Phrases made with "adjectives "
We can make phrases with adjectives
The red rose
The bold girl
The cunning man
The silent valleys
The passionate poet
Great king
The Good girl
B) We can make phrases with- ing form. Here subject is shown to be doing some action:
1) stunning
The stunning runner
2) crying
The crying boy
3) Speaking
The speaking tree
4) Singing
The singing bird
5) dancing
The dancing girl
C) We can make phrases with the past participle( V3) . Here the action has been completed : to show the completed action, past participle is used :
1) Written
The written poem
2) broken
The broken windows
3) Spoken
Spoken English
4) Killed
The killed lion
5) Built
The buit house
6) wasted
The wasted hours
7) Won
The won prizes
D) We can make phrases with prepositions as well.
With preposition " in "
In the darkness
In the global index
In the area of my village
In the world
In the opposite of the building
In forest
In the fire
In India
In Rajasthan
In his life
With preposition " of"
The president of America
The wife of Bath
The class of B. A. First
The brother of my best frend
The building of our college
The leg of the chair
The pen of Ravi
With Preposition " on"
On the table
On the road
On the topic
On the problem of farmers
On the floor
On my vacation
On my brother
On the poem
With preposition " for"
For his family
For my mother
For the sake of his job
For cooking
For singing
For alleviating poverty
With preposition " about"
About his rules
About the great hermit
About the topic
About the problem of India's global power
About the new problems
With preposition " at "
At 3 p.m.
At him
At her
At that point
At the motion
At the ege of peak
At the square
With preposition " with"
With great thoughts
With the key
With his wife and children
With great confidence
With conviction
With great force
With great power
With preposition " under"
Under the chair
Under government
Under the authority
Under pressure
Under the tree
Under circumstances
Under globalization
D) We make phrases with the ing form when the subject is doing some action:
eat+ing =eating
The man eating the ice-cream
* Here the subject man is eating the ice-cream.
1) The man is eating the ice-cream. The man is my cousin.
2) The man eating the ice-cream is my cousin.
The girl singing on the stage
The boy dancing in the room
The animal swimming in the water
The man joking at everybody
The girl laughing in the class
Exercise : 1
Translate the following phrases into English
एक महान कवी
एक खोडकर मुलगा
एक विद्वान मनुष्य
हुशार व्यक्ती
भुताची गोष्ट
रमेश ची ताई
सागर चे घर
आशिषचा कम्प्युटर
संपूर्ण जगामध्ये
तंत्रज्ञानाच्या युगामध्ये
पुस्तकाच्या पानावर
चांगल्या गोष्टींबद्दल
आर्थिक मुद्द्यावर
सामाजिक चळवळीवर
डान्स करणारी मुलगी
गाणं म्हणणारा मुलगा
गोंधळलेली व्यक्ती
खचलेली व्यक्ती
तुटलेला टेबल
विकलेली वस्तू
लिहिलेली कविता
विकत घेतलेली कार
Translate the following sentences into English by adding- ing to the action performed by the subject:
डान्स करत असलेला मुलगा माझा भाऊ आहे.
गाणं म्हणत असलेला माणूस माझा काका आहे.
रस्त्यावर धावत असलेली व्यक्ती मिलखा सिंग आहे.
पिंजऱ्यामध्ये झोपून असलेला प्राणी हा वाघ आहे.
स्वयंपाक खोलीत स्वयंपाक बनवत असलेली स्त्री माझी आई आहे.
भाषण देत असलेली व्यक्ती भारताची पंतप्रधान आहे.
कार दुरुस्त करत असलेला मुलगा एक उत्तम मेकॅनिक आहे.
कार्यक्रमात मुख्य अतिथी म्हणून बसलेली व्यक्ती ही गुगलची सीईओ आहे.
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