
Showing posts from March, 2023

Certificate Course Lesson 8 Description and Narration

Certificate Course Lesson 7 Reading and expressing in your own words

Certificate Course Lesson 7 Translating A Passage

Certificate Course Lesson 5 Tenses in English

Certificate Course in Communicative English Lessons 4 Clauses

Certificate Course Lesson 3 " To Infinitive"

To Infinitive What is an infinitive  ? The infinitive is the base of a verb. It is used with or without to. The infinitive with two known as the two infinitive is the more usual form. To infinitive is often used after verbs like I want to go John hopes to get a first class We agreed to leave at once It begin to rain I forgot to post the letter. Common verbs followed by the two infinitive include :    determine       decide Arrange            help  Forgot               fail Retain                intend  Pretend             plan Attempt             try Hate                   wish  Promise             plan  Continue            learn  Start...

Lesson 2 Certificate Course in Communicative English

Certificate Course in Communicative English                             Lecture -2 Lesson-2 Words and Phrases Examples of words are : dark, man, people,red,  girl,book,pen, candy, mouse  What is a phrase ? A phrase is a group of words with some sense but not complete sense. For example   In the darkness of woods In the vicinity of my home The prime minister of India With great pleasure Under pressure For supporting his family They need other words to complete their meanings. For example The thieves disappeared in the darkness of woods. A hermit lives in the vicinity of my home   The prime minister of India went to the US.  He announced his retirement with great pleasure . Shami never bowls under pressure .  He works for supporting his family.   How to make phrases in English ?  Look at the following example:  The boy eats the ice-cream. The tall boy eats the ice-cream. Th...

Certificate Course in Communicative English Lesson 1 Notes

Certificate course in Communicative  English      Lecture 1  Basic grammar Lesson1 What is a language ?   Language is a bouquet having different expressions-words, phrases and sentences Human language is unique in the sense that they use different names for the same object. What exactly we do when we say that we speak English or we speak Marathi ?   The answer is we make different sentences in the language. Sometimes we make statements. Sometimes we ask questions. Sometimes wegive orders or make request and sometimes we become so excited that we express our emotions. From this here we comes to the four kinds of sentences : Declarative sentences These are the sentences which only make statements. Examples : He has opened the door. Shalaka went to the market. I am leaving for Nagpur. Gandhi died in 1947. Swamiji gave a speech. Sachin made a century. India wins the match. Teacher is absent today. Today we have a very important meeting. It is not clear wh...