*Brief Biodata of
Kamala Das*
Kamala Das (1934-2009) was a renowned Indian poet, novelist, and short story writer. She was born in Kerala, India, and wrote in English and Malayalam. Das was known for her bold and candid portrayal of female desire, love, and relationships. She is considered one of the most important Indian poets of the 20th century.
*Explanation of the Poem "Words"*
Words can be unclear and hard to understand. They can also be hurtful and damaging. The speaker notes that words can be used to inflict pain and suffering.On the other hand, words can also be comforting and uplifting. They can be used to express love, kindness, and compassion.The speaker is both fascinated and frustrated by words. They know that words are important for communication, but they are not perfect.The poem also explores the idea that words can be limiting. They cannot always express the full range of human emotions.Despite these limitations, the speaker recognizes the importance of words. They know that words can bring people together and help us understand each other.The poem ends with a message of hope, suggesting that words can still be used to build connections and foster understanding.
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